
In the last full week of school, we’ve been doing our best to prepare for the Fairy Tale Awards. After finishing our writing, we began phase 1 (cover the box) of our parade floats.

Then we move on to the details. What a creative bunch of kids!

We also created our character awards.

Here are some shots from one of our dress rehearsals:

We kicked off the Awards Ceremony with a parade around the school:

The second graders did a fantastic job at the Fairy Tale Awards!

Big shout-out to Ms. Liz for helping to host the Awards this year!!

We had a delicious feast afterward.

We finished out last unit in Fundations, on the /ȯ/ sound, learning to use the au and aw spellings.

We also finished up our final math unit, covering equal groups and arrays, coins, fractions, and number stories.

In science, we created idea posters for inventions using a new material: bouncy, stretchy glass. Some of the uses we came up with included using it for jars or water bottles, for windows (so birds just bounce right off), and a computer/phone screen. In our final science lesson, we became engineers and accepted our first challenge: to make a tall tower out of paper and paper clips.

Our second challenge was to make a strong tower. We quickly figured out that it was difficult to make both a strong yet tall tower! This lesson reinforced that buildings or larger structures are usually made out of smaller structures and pieces, and that we could change the properties of paper (flimsy, flat, etc.) by folding, rolling, and stacking it. We tested how strong the towers were by using hard cover books (and eventually dictionaries!) to test how much weight they would hold. We’ve got some future engineers in our class!

We had a wonderful last day of school, complete with one last party with popcorn and popsicles!

It’s been a great year. <3

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